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Use Radar's autocomplete component to add address autocomplete to your websites and apps with just a few lines of code.

You can also check out the autocomplete explorer in the dashboard, or check out a full-page maps demo and store locator demo with an autocomplete component.

How it works#

To use the autocomplete component, simply initialize the Radar SDK with your publishable key and specify the container to render the input into.


When creating the autocomplete component, you can provide options to customize the autocomplete behavior, as well as the size and style of the input.

Available options include:

NameDefaultPossible valuesDescriptionSDK availability
containerautocompletestring | HTMLElementThe container to render the map into. You can specify an id of an HTML element or a DOM element. If an <input> is provided as a container, the style of the input will not be modified.Web
width400number | stringThe width of the input, a number (in pixels) or any valid CSS width.Web
maxHeightnullnumber | stringThe max height of the results list, a number (in pixels) or any valid CSS height.Web
nearnullstring | LocationThe location to search near, in the format "latitude,longitude" or { latitude, longitude }. If not specified, the search will automatically be biased based on the client's IP geolocation.Web, React Native
debounceMS200numberThe number of milliseconds to wait after typing is complete to refresh the results list.Web, React Native
threshold3numberThe minimum number of characters that need to be typed before fetching results.Web, React Native
limit8numberThe maximum number of results to show in the results list.Web, React Native
onSelectionnullfunction (address) => {}A function called when a result is selected from the results list.Web, React Native
onResultsnullfunction (addresses) => {}A function called when the results list is refreshed.Web, React Native
onErrornullfunction (error) => {}A function called if any errors occur.Web, React Native
placeholderSearch addressstringThe placeholder string for the input.Web, React Native
responsivetruebooleanA boolean that indicates whether the input should expand to fill the parent container. If responsive = true and a width is specified, width will be treated as a max-width.Web
disabledfalsebooleanA boolean that indicates whether the input should be disabled.Web, React Native
layersnullarrayOptional layer filters. An array including one or more of place, address, intersection, street, neighborhood, postalCode, locality, county, state, country, coarse, and fine. See the autocomplete API documentation for more info.Web, React Native
countryCodenullstringAn optional 2-letter ISO 3166 country code. If set, results will only be fetched from the specified country.Web, React Native
expandUnitsfalsebooleanA boolean that indicates whether to include unit numbers in the results.Web
showMarkerstruebooleanA boolean that indicates whether to show marker icons in the results list.Web, React Native
markerColor#acbdc8stringThe CSS color of marker icons in the results list.Web
stylenullReact Native style objectStyles for the element. See the code for more info.React Native


First, sign up for Radar and get an API key.

Then, get started with the sample code below.


<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8" />    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">    <script src=""></script>  </head>
  <body>    <div id="autocomplete" />
    <script type="text/javascript">      Radar.initialize('prj_live_pk_...');
      Radar.ui.autocomplete({        container: 'autocomplete',        width: '600px',        onSelection: (address) => {          // do something with selected address        },      });    </script>  </body></html>

React Native#

import { View } from 'react-native';import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';import Radar, { Autocomplete } from 'react-native-radar';
export const App = () => (  <View>    <Autocomplete options={      onSelection: (address) => {        // do something with selected address      },    } />  </View>);